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Engage. Activate. Build.

Esports and games represent an unprecedented opportunity to engage with desirable and hard to reach audiences. The unique combination of technology, connectivity and creativity enable brand marketers to leverage their greatest assets generating real results with their most important consumers.


About the EAB

The EAB (Esports Ad Bureau) launched in July 2016. Esports has become sports for the next generation of fans. More than 200 million people in the US identify as gamers. The flexibility and interactivity found across all the different games and platforms provide rich environments for brand marketers to engage with the audiences they value most. The only limitation is the creativity and the resources marketers put against this unprecedented opportunity.


The EAB is dedicated to showcasing best practices, leadership, and excellence. We act as a sherpa for brands to enjoy a comfortable and confident journey, leveraging the best assets and opportunities to be found in the space.

If you are a BRAND MARKETER, looking for leading engagement and activation opportunities

If you are a MEDIA COMPANY, and would like to learn more about the organization

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