Pokemon Let 39;s Go Pikachu Gba Version 5.0 Download
Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu GBA Version 5.0 Download
Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu GBA is a fan-made remake of the original Pokemon Yellow game for the Game Boy Advance. It is based on the official Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu game for the Nintendo Switch, which was released in 2018. The game features many improvements and changes from the original version, such as a new catching system inspired by Pokemon Go, updated graphics and music, mega evolutions and Alola forms of Kanto Pokemon, and more. If you are a fan of the classic Pokemon games or want to experience a new way to play them, you should definitely check out Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu GBA. In this article, we will show you how to download and play this amazing game on your device.
Features of Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu GBA
Catching system
One of the most noticeable differences between Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu GBA and the original Pokemon Yellow is the catching system. Instead of battling wild Pokemon to weaken them before throwing a Poke Ball, you can simply throw a Poke Ball at them using a gentle motion with your device. The success rate depends on factors such as timing, accuracy, type of Poke Ball, and size of the target circle. You can also use berries to make wild Pokemon easier to catch or more likely to give you bonuses. Catching Pokemon is not only fun and relaxing, but also rewarding. You will earn experience points for your entire party, as well as candies that can be used to boost your Pokemon's stats.
pokemon let 39;s go pikachu gba version 5.0 download
Kanto region and characters
Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu GBA takes you back to the Kanto region, where you will embark on an epic adventure as a young Pokemon trainer. You will explore various locations, such as forests, caves, cities, islands, and more. Along the way, you will encounter many familiar faces from the original game, such as Professor Oak, your rival Trace (or Blue if you choose), gym leaders like Brock and Misty, and the evil Team Rocket [assistant](#continue) . You will also meet some new characters, such as the friendly Pokemon researcher Mina, the mysterious girl Lorelei, and the legendary Pokemon trainer Red. The game follows the same storyline as the original game, but with some twists and surprises along the way.
Partner Pokemon and customization
As the title suggests, Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu GBA lets you choose Pikachu as your partner Pokemon. Pikachu will always stay by your side, riding on your shoulder or walking behind you. You can interact with your Pikachu by petting, feeding, or playing with it. You can also customize its appearance by giving it different hairstyles, outfits, and accessories. Your Pikachu will express its emotions and personality through various sounds and gestures. Your bond with your Pikachu will grow stronger as you travel together, and it will help you in battles and puzzles.
Mega evolutions and Alola forms
Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu GBA introduces some new features that were not present in the original game, such as mega evolutions and Alola forms. Mega evolutions are temporary transformations that boost the power and appearance of certain Pokemon during battles. You can activate mega evolutions by using a special item called a Mega Stone, which is compatible with a specific Pokemon. For example, you can use a Venusaurite to mega evolve your Venusaur into Mega Venusaur. Alola forms are regional variants of Kanto Pokemon that have adapted to the climate and environment of the Alola region. They have different appearances, types, abilities, and moves than their original forms. For example, you can find an Alolan Vulpix that is Ice-type instead of Fire-type. You can obtain mega evolutions and Alola forms by trading with other players or transferring them from other games.
Compatibility of Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu GBA
GBA emulator
Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu GBA is a fan-made game that is not officially supported by Nintendo or Game Freak. Therefore, you cannot play it on a real Game Boy Advance console or cartridge. However, you can still enjoy this game on your device by using a GBA emulator. A GBA emulator is a software that mimics the functionality of a Game Boy Advance system on your device. You can download a GBA emulator for various platforms, such as PC, Android, or iOS. Some of the most popular GBA emulators are Visual Boy Advance (VBA), My Boy!, and GBA4iOS. To play Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu GBA on a GBA emulator, you need to download the game file (also known as a ROM) from a reliable source. Then, you need to load the ROM file on your emulator and start playing.
Pokemon Home
Pokemon Home is a cloud-based service that allows you to store and manage your Pokemon across different games and devices. You can use Pokemon Home to transfer your Pokemon from Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu GBA to other compatible games, such as Pokemon Go or Pokemon Sword and Shield. To do this, you need to have a Nintendo Account and a Pokemon Home account. You also need to download the Pokemon Home app on your device or access it through the Nintendo Switch. Then, you need to follow these steps:
Open the Pokemon Home app on your device or Nintendo Switch.
Select "Move" from the menu.
Select "Begin Move" from the screen.
Open your GBA emulator and load Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu GBA.
Select "Pokemon Home" from the menu in the game.
Select "Yes" to connect with Pokemon Home.
Enter the moving key that appears on your device or Nintendo Switch.
Select the Pokemon that you want to move from your game to Pokemon Home.
Select "Move" to confirm.
Wait for the transfer to complete.
Enjoy your Pokemon in Pokemon Home or other compatible games.
Cheats and secrets of Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu GBA
Cheat codes
Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu GBA has some cheat codes that you can use to obtain various items or advantages in the game. To use cheat codes, you need to enable them on your GBA emulator settings. Then, you need to enter the code that corresponds to the item or effect that you want. Here are some examples of cheat codes for Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu GBA:
Rare Candy82025840 0044
Master Ball82025840 0001
All TMs and HMs42025A0C 01530001 42025A0E 63E70000 42025A10 00010001 42025A12 63E70000
Walk Through Walls509197D3 542975F4 78DA95DF 44018CB4
Max Money82025838 104E 8202583A E971
Shiny PokemonF3A9A86D 4E2629B4 18452A7D DDE55BCC
Note: Use these cheat codes at your own risk. Some of them may cause glitches or errors in the game. Save your progress before using them and disable them after you are done.
Glitches and exploits
Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu GBA also has some glitches and exploits that you can use to gain advantages or discover secrets in the game. Some of these glitches and exploits are intentional, while others are unintentional. Here are some examples of glitches and exploits for Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu GBA:
The Missingno glitch: This is a famous glitch that allows you to encounter a glitched Pokemon called Missingno, which can duplicate the item in the sixth slot of your bag. To trigger this glitch, you need to have a Pokemon with the move Fly and a Pokemon with the move Surf. Then, you need to do the following steps:
Fly to Viridian City and talk to the old man who teaches you how to catch a Pokemon.
Answer "No" when he asks you if you are in a hurry.
Watch him catch a Weedle.
Fly to Cinnabar Island and surf along the east coast.
You will encounter Missingno or other glitched Pokemon.
Catch it or run away from it.
The item in the sixth slot of your bag will be multiplied by 128.
The Mew glitch: This is a glitch that allows you to catch a Mew, which is normally unobtainable in the game. To trigger this glitch, you need to have a Pokemon with the move Fly and an Abra. Then, you need to do the following steps:
Go to Route 24 and battle the Youngster with a Slowpoke near Nugget Bridge. Make sure he walks up to you, or the glitch will not work.
Go to Route 25 and battle the Gambler with two Poliwags and a Poliwhirl. Make sure he walks up to you, or the glitch will not work.
Fly to Lavender Town and enter the Pokemon Tower.
Go up to the second floor and use an Escape Rope or Teleport with Abra.
You will be teleported back to Lavender Town, but the start menu will pop up automatically.
Press B to exit the menu, and a wild Mew will appear at level 7.
Catch it or run away from it.
The infinite money exploit: This is an exploit that allows you to get unlimited money by selling items that you can get for free. To do this exploit, you need to have access to Celadon City and Fuchsia City. Then, you need to do the following steps:
Go to Celadon City and enter the Game Corner.
Talk to the man behind the counter and buy as many coins as you can afford.
Exchange your coins for items, such as TM13 (Ice Beam), TM23 (Dragon Rage), or TM24 (Thunderbolt).
Go to Fuchsia City and enter the Safari Zone.
Talk to the man behind the counter and pay 500 Pokedollars to enter.
Exit the Safari Zone without catching any Pokemon or using any steps.
Talk to the man again and he will give you another Safari Ball for free.
Repeat steps 5-7 until you have as many Safari Balls as you want.
Sell your Safari Balls and TMs at any Poke Mart for